United Church of God

This One Was Born in Zion

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This One Was Born In Zion

MP3 Audio (54.45 MB)


This One Was Born in Zion

MP3 Audio (54.45 MB)

"Zion" is often identified in the Bible as a literal geographic location, but it is also a spiritual place of God’s favor. It is His dwelling place among His covenant people--past, present, and future. What does it mean to be born in Zion? The Feast of Pentecost reveals the key to understanding this concept through spiritual begettal, sonship, and ultimately birth. It is God’s desire that all of mankind created in His image will one day be born in Zion. A sermon given by Jim Moody: “Children and Heirs of God” was referenced in this message; it was posted on October 9, 2021, and can be found by searching the UCG sermon archive.