United Church of God

You Shall Have No Other Gods Before God: The Ten Commandments - Part 1

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You Shall Have No Other Gods Before God

The Ten Commandments - Part 1

MP3 Audio (7.37 MB)


You Shall Have No Other Gods Before God: The Ten Commandments - Part 1

MP3 Audio (7.37 MB)

With this sermon, Gary Petty begins a series of sermons explaining the law of God as summarized in the 10 Commandments. In this series, he will emphasize what it means to keep the letter of the law as observed in the Old Testament, as well as what it means to keep God's law in the Spirit. The First Commandment states in Deuteronomy 5:6-7: I am the Lord your God Who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me. Gary shows, interestingly, how many Jewish worshipers emphasize the first part identifying the One who brought them out of slavery.  Important also, he shows how we as Christians might unwittingly assume we know the way to live and fail to seek God's guidance and instruction, and, in so doing, fail to be loyal to God, our only source of truth and salvation.