World News and Trends: Media trashes fidelity

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Media trashes fidelity

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World News and Trends: Media trashes fidelity

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What we see published about unfaithfulness today should alarm us. One magazine cover asked, "Is Anyone Faithful Anymore?" The drophead on the cover read, "The Death of Monogamy—and Why That's No Bad Thing." The title inside is "Yours, Unfaithfully."

The article itself indicated that the average person may not transgress to the literal extent of famous celebrities, "but we are probably less monogamous than we used to be, aren't we?" It goes on to state: "We're perhaps having extended flirtations; serious and not-so-serious dalliances; special, ostensibly platonic lunch dates with people we see more regularly than we'd like our partners to know. We are, at the very least, testing the borders of fidelity" (Polly Vernon, The Observer Magazine, March 7, 2010).

The writer goes on to explain that some therapists tell us marital betrayal "might be exactly what your relationship needs." We also see famous sports and entertainment figures blaming sex addiction for their serial affairs. Too many today follow their poor example by cheating on their own spouses.

The Bible says emphatically, "You shall not commit adultery." It also says, "Flee fornication," as the patriarch Joseph possessed the character to do (Genesis 39:6-13). Amazingly, this great man knew about God's commandments well before the time of Moses. To learn more about what God has to say on the matter and the blessing He intended faithful marriage to be, request or download our free booklet Marriage and Family: The Missing Dimension. (Source: The Observer Magazine [London].)