Though Prophecy Shall Fail

Restoration: Though Prophecy Shall Fail

The feedback takes all forms. There is always the critic who may disagree with some analysis we have of a news item or point of prophecy. At times people write to express appreciation for the work we put into each issue. By far the greatest joy we receive is from those readers who see the real purpose we are trying to communicate about all of God's Word.
Robin Webber applies his unique approach to prophecy in his column each issue. He is not so much concerned about analyzing all events against a timeline of prophecy as he is concerned about the application to our daily walk with God. Many readers connect to this approach and are drawn into deeper study of the Scriptures. Robin's style teaches that we must have a ready heart at all times as we study what God is saying through prophecy.
Our other writers who focus on world events, always point to the ultimate good news and hope presented in the Bible. To appreciate the "good," we have to understand why the "bad" exists. It is always a challenge to balance the two extremes in our articles. The world is filled with bad news. Our goal is to present the hope of a better world to come to fill in that important dimension secular writers miss.
Occasionally I receive letters from readers that encourage. The encouragement comes not only from their uplifting words but from realizing they understand our goal is to take prophecy beyond the realm of dates and beasts and predictions to that of a heart toward man and toward God. In short, prophecy fits the teaching of Jesus Christ about loving God and each other.
A reader recently wrote to me about learning that God's law teaches us you cannot help others without helping yourself. Kindness and love cannot be given away—they always come back. This reader practices the way of give in daily acts of serving and providing for people's needs. I believe many of our readers do the same. Through this they are living a pure and undefiled religion (James 1:27).
From God's law of love flows every principle that helps us live with one another successfully. The principles of faith, discipline, responsibility and many other positive character traits form an ethic for life. Prophecy comprises both teaching and warning not to stray from the ways of our Father.
This magazine is about a heart for prophecy and God. It is about responding to God's teaching to love Him and our neighbor with all our might. When we do this, we get in alignment with God's plan and purpose for our lives. The details of prophecy are left to God, and we can then focus on the broader principle of love.
That is what Paul understood when he wrote, "And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing" (1 Corinthians 13:2). WNP