World News and Prophecy: July 2001

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In This Issue

  • by Darris McNeely
It is easy to form a negative impression of not only biblical prophecy, but also of today's world conditions and man's efforts to chart his way through the challenges of life.
  • by Cecil Maranville
Family structure is constantly changing. We cannot afford to assume that different is better. Tampering with God's design will bring catastrophic results.
  • by Bill Eddington, Cecil Maranville, Jim Tuck
Currently 41 nations use children as soldiers and 120,000 children are fighting in African wars. The country of Myanmar (also known as Burma) holds the "distinction" of having the highest number of child soldiers, 50,000.
  • by Paul Kieffer
Conversations with German citizens show the diversity of feelings attached to the newly reconstructed German capital-a diversity that reflects different age groups, as well as an East vs. West mentality within the unified German state.
  • by Robin Webber
Recently Mary Curtius, a Times staff writer, wrote an article appearing in the June 16, 2001, edition of The Los Angeles Times, titled "Mideast Woes Spill Over to Summer Camp." It is the story of a remarkable program called "Seeds of Peace" whose purpose is to promote discussion and understanding between Israeli and Palestinian youth. Of all places, it is set in the woods of New England far from...