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Steve, Gary and Darris are taking a short break for travel and relocating.
[Darris McNeely] We’re going to be taking a break with BT Dailys. Steve Myers and I are going off to Italy for a work-study tour that’s going to immerse us into the first-century Roman world that the apostle Paul travelled in, wrote within, and the entire setting of the New Testament story. We’ll be on a study tour and gathering a lot of information for our writing for Beyond Today Magazine, Beyond Today program, and future BT Dailys. So we’ll take a break and be gone for a while. Gary Petty is also in transition as he relocates to a new home, and once we all get settled back into our routine here in a few weeks, we’ll be producing new and updated Beyond Today Dailys for you. We do appreciate you being with us and coming to the website on a regular basis, the feedback we get from many of you and your loyalty and encouragement, and even many of the ideas that you send to us for doing BT Dailys. Thank you very much for your loyalty and support.
We will see you in just a few weeks with a new edition and a new version of BT Dailys, so until then, that’s BT Daily. Join us next time.