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"Rejoice, O young man, in your youth, and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth. Walk in the ways of your heart and the sight of your eyes. But know that for all these things God will bring you into judgment." (Ecclesiastes 11:9 ESV)

It is beautiful to be young, life is full of wonder and possibility. Make the most of life and its possibilities, but remember that you are setting the foundation for your future.

  • by Amanda Stiver
Do you know what is involved in applying for college or university? Read this step-by-step action plan for entering and thriving at an institution of higher learning.
  • by Vertical Thought
What is it that you live for? Time with friends, relaxing, shopping, playing games? Why not make your passion one of honoring your Creator?
  • by Vertical Thought
I'd enjoyed a wonderful Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day with my family and friends. Little did I know how important the meaning of this final Holy Day was going to be when I returned home.
  • by Randy Stiver
They say that diamonds are forever. Aren't friends the same? Is there ever a time when a young Christian should forsake his or her friends and make new ones?
  • by Vertical Thought
Are you having a hard time keeping the Sabbath while away at college? Read this firsthand account by someone who successfully faced the challenge.
  • by Vertical Thought
No one likes to think about friendships that come to an end, but sometimes this is the necessary course of action. Here are some points to consider when you face this decision.
  • by Vertical Thought
When it comes to friendships, most people think they just happen. But are there any responsibilities in being a friend? Just what is expected of a true friend?
  • by Vertical Thought
The truth is that the Bible describes the role of women as one of great honor and worth.
